How to mine
how to get WIZA
There are four ways to mine $WIZA token
• Staking
4 $WIZA / Day per 1 Wizard with one spell in the spellbook
8 $WIZA / Day per 1 Wizard with two spells in the spellbook
12 $WIZA / Day per 1 Wizard with three spells in the spellbook
16 $WIZA / Day per 1 Wizard with four spells in the spellbook
A staked Wizard cannot be listed in marketplace or transferred but can participate in tournament.
• Burning
Wizards can be put into the Burning Queue There are 3 burns per week: Classic (lowest rank), Random and Level (lowest level)
Owners of burned wizards receive $WIZA based on the following:
$WIZA equivalent of the KDA Floor Price of listed wizards + (n remaining wizards – rarity rank)
A wizard in the burning queue cannot be listed, staked, transferred, or participate in tournaments and other game play modes.
• Participation
Each wizard subscribed to the Main Weekly Tournament receives a reward of 30 $WIZA
Each winning wizard of the Farmers and Apprentice Tournaments split 90% of the $WIZA prize pool
Each wizard subscribed to PvP that completes the minimum 30 fights receives 2 $WIZA for every win.
Win Flash Tournaments
Win Challenges sent or received with $WIZA selected as the wager
• Spread the word
By sharing WizardsArena X posts or helping to raise awareness of the project, or be active on Discord, you can earn $WIZA
Last updated